Do you remember the things your grandparents or great uncles and aunts used to tell you? The grass is not always greener on the other side, or waste not want not, respect your elders, or everyone is not your friend type of things. Core values or morals. Can ANYONE out there add to this list?

Here is the progress up to date (and growing) :
1) The grass is not always greener on the other side
2) Waste not want not
3) Respect your elders
4) Everyone is not your friend
…Id like to see this list grow for the kids of today to read. Perhaps you can even share where you heard it (aunt,mom grandparent…,) to show it doesn’t always come from an expected source of information.
5) Always look some one in the eye when talking
6) Hold the door for others
7) Treat others how you would want to be treated no matter how they respond to you.
8) Smile everyday,it makes people wonder.
9) You can be anything you want to be.
10) Be a positive force in life.

No Morals


Don’t you have any morals?
Walking out in public with skirts too short
Shirts too tight and too low
Looking like a street walker
Do you need attention that bad?
You are what you put forth
So don’t cry when you are used as a sex object
Don’t cry when no one takes you seriously
It’s not cute
It’s not punk
It’s not liberating
It’s just sheer stupidity

Don’t you have any morals?

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Do We Have to Compete?

Valentina's Reflections

One thing that has always felt unfair to me, competing against an equally talented artist to win honor, power, prestige, favor and reward. Why? Because someone else has to lose in order for me to win. Or I have to lose in order for someone else to win. Most of the time it is the latter. I am told that losing builds character, will make me strong, but all it has ever done has made me feel not good enough. Losing after spending a great deal of time and energy on a project that is only important to win a contest distracts me away from actually working towards a practical goal of my own. When I should be working to better myself, I am instead doing everything for the approval of someone else whom I have deemed superior to me, usually a person I consider an authority or hero. And…

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Morals and Values

Do you remember the things your grandparents or great uncles and aunts used to tell you? The grass is not always greener on the other side, or waste not want not, respect your elders, or everyone is not your friend type of things. Core values or morals. Can ANYONE out there add to this list?

Here is the progress up to date (and growing) :
1 The grass is not always greener on the other side
2 Waste not want not
3 Respect your elders
4 Everyone is not your friend
…Id like to see this list grow for the kids of today to read. Perhaps you can even share where you heard it (aunt ,mom grandparent…,) to show it doesn’t always come from an expected source of information.                       5  Always look some one in the eye when talking                                           6  Hold the door for others                                                                              7 Treat others how you would want to be treated no matter how they      respond to you.

8)Smile everyday,it makes people wonder.
9)You can be anything you want to be.

These Neighboring States in America (nsa?)

Not the United States of America because clearly there is nothing united about it. If there were, where would it lay or is that lie? In the unity of different groups, associations, gangs, government sectors, laws etc.? Where is the complete unity in any 1 cause? Ok, not complete, but at the least 75%. Hell, we are living in a reality where the government, IRS ( our governing body of leaders) atax (all puns deliberate) us when we are down. If through hardship, or however, you find yourself owing the government you will be taxed with interest daily. At that rate it doesn’t matter whether you get paid weakly or whatever frequency, it will become a steep uphill battle to overcome. Now, here comes the institutions or companies that offer services to inform and protect you from your governing body of leaders. As this clearly shows one instance of misinformation we know that there are many more. No need to explore them now, but chew on this for a while. As we know that knowledge is power, why is it that the neighboring states in america make it so difficult to get an education worth claiming? (NSA?). Better yet ,they offer better knowledge for better money. That is to say, they sell knowledge for money and leave the lower to low incomed with a supposed average amount of knowledge offered at their disposal. Now you may say that is fair in business. Not if they are selling misinformation to the lower incomed. Especially not if all the while they are selling our competitors our good knowledge. The price? The people’s possibilities, hopes, dreams, opportunities. Our ignorance. Then we, as the people, get criticized for our ignorance after being forced to buy it, our ignorance. All the while sustaining the depletion of our opportunities through the saturation of other countries’ products being sold here over our own, depleting the value of our dollar ensuring we pass on this nothingness of hope to our future doomed offspring. Then we get asked to vote and pay taxes, and support our leaders who miseducate and misinform, our leaders that deceive, pimp and enslave us, our leaders who have boastfully auctioned off our hope. Ultimately exposing more ignorance through arrogance, based on how they feel about an individual or their concern with overdosing on greed, until our home is accurately named, The United States of America , made in China.